Rachel Laudan

Cebadina revisited

While I’m on the subject of aguas frescas, Bob Mrotek has a follow up post to his earlier post on cebadina including some interesting thoughts on why both tamarind and jamaica are traditionally ingredients. And while you’re at it you can learn about cebadina’s North American cousins, the family of fizzies.

And scroll on through to one of Mexico´s favorite beverages. No, not tequila.

Chocomíl of course. And chocomíl’s advocate, Pancho Pantera. And a good bit of Mexican history from the history of corporations to the history of the poor.

But it’s Bob’s story and you should go to his site to follow this up (and to see why, following Bob, I’m spelling Chocomíl the way I do).

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2 thoughts on “Cebadina revisited

    1. Rachel Laudan Post author

      Mil disculpas por la tardanza. El hecho es que no tengo una receta. Pero creo que todo la información en los posts puedes experimentar y crear su propia receta.

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