Rachel Laudan

Gelatina as Fine Art

In Mexico, gelatina remains, as it should, a fine art.  Just look at the photos.  So it’s good to see this recognized in the US and internationally.

And here’s more about Ofelia Audry, the leading expert on decorative culinary work in Mexico.  It’s in Spanish but the pictures speak for themselves.

Thanks to Joe Pastry for the initial link.

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13 thoughts on “Gelatina as Fine Art

  1. gail Ravins

    Hello….am interested in learning the art of floral decorating of Jello….would bring
    my artistic granddaughter to learn the art as it is fantastic….someone here
    in los angeles does it but am having difficulty contacting her….any suggestions
    are appreciated……..Thank you

    1. Rachel Laudan Post author

      Gail, I’m a bit surprised that more people aren’t interested in this. It produces such beautiful and dramatic results and if made with good ingredients delicious ones too. I don’t have suggestions for the States. Here in Mexico City there are lots and lots of classes but I don’t think that’s much use to you.

  2. Lourdes Reyes

    Hi Rachel, I am the creator of the 3D gelatins technique. Maybe you are interested in sending me your e-mail address and I will add you to my list. I always send flyers when I teach in the US where I travel 8 to 10 times a year to give classes.

    Best regards
    Lourdes Reyes

  3. ofelia audry

    Estimada Raquel, le escribe Ofelia Audry, soy chef honoris causa y desde hace 50 años aprendí este arte de gelatina de monjas en conventos en México, lo he mejorado y ganado premios internacionales. Estoy a su disposición, si me escribe puedo mandarle fotos de mis trabajos y también viajo a donde se me requiera.
    Ofelia Audry

  4. ofelia audry

    Dear Rachel, wrote Ofelia Audry, I’m an honorary chef for over 50 years and learned the art of nuns in convents gelatin in Mexico, I have improved and won international awards. I am available if I write I can send photos of my work and also travel to where I needed.
    Ofelia Audry

  5. Daniel magana

    Vivo en California y estoy interesada en contactar a la admiradisima senora Audry, o como puedo conseguir sus libros ? , si alguien puede ayudarme. Gracias. Y efectivamente mi abuela preparaba gelatina hace 40 anos a base de caldo de la pata de res, ya desgrasado y gelatinizado lo ponia en moldes pequenos y en el centro ponia rompope o cajeta diluida en leche y picaba con un cuchillo formando una figura con pasas, nueces o pinones, esto lo aprendio de unas monjas del convento de Azcapotzalco en la Cd. de Mexico, seria un honor poder contactarla.

  6. Melinda Pearson

    I have just embarked on making the flowers in the
    gelatin and would like to know your advise as to the
    clearest unflavored gelatine that I can by in the US.
    Knox works well but its not as clear as I would like it and
    I thought that you may have some suggestions on different brands.
    Thank you,
    Melinda Pearson

    1. Rachel Laudan Post author

      Hi Melinda. What fun. I would love to try this. I am however no expert on different kinds of gelatin. I suppose I would start by trying professional baking suppliers and perhaps the leaf rather than the powdered gelatin. There´s probably someone on the web who knows all about this. Let me know what you discover!


    To Melinda I’m Rafaela Vega Avilez since you bought my e-book for sure you already know which use it.Just use the brand I recommended in my e-book .In my opinion is the best.I use many unflavored gelatin from Mexico during my 30 years of experience, but when I moved to USA , I tried the unflavored gelatin from here and the best for me it is Kroger brand.I hope my information helps you thank for buy my e-book

  8. Paola Mange

    No se confundan….la UNICA creadora de la tecnica de Gelatinas en 3D es la Senora Lourdes Reyes, quien incluso colaboro con la Sra. Audrey en un libro que nunca publico. Lourdes Reyes cuenta con el registro de la tecnica de gelatinas en 3D, ha diseniado sus propias herramientas mismas que se encuentran debidamente registradas y patentadas. Todas las demas son imitaciones, no malas, pero imitaciones al fin y al cabo. No contribuyan a la pirateria.

    Don’t get confussed. The ORIGINAL creator of the 3D Gelatins is Ms. Lourdes Reyes, who colaborated with Mrs. Audrey in the creation of a book, never published. Lourdes Reyes has registered her 3D gelatin technique and her own-designed tools. Learn how to make the 3D gelatines with Lourdes Reyes, she is the best.

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