Rachel Laudan

International Association of Culinary Professionals Nominees

It’s the time of year for lots of nominees for culinary prizes in the US.  Lots of names new to me in the IACP awards this year which is good news.  But I would like to mention three of special interest to me.

First Alan Wong.  I’m not generally a fan of chefs’ books but anything Alan writes is on my list, including The Blue Tomato.  He’s my hero of a chef, I love what he does with his Asian heritage from Hawaii, his intelligence, his sense of humor.

Second, Maria Speck.  Maria, it must be a bit odd to be included among the health books when you are promoting whole grains for their deliciousness, but that’s life.  And congrats anyway.

George Gale.  For Dying on the Vine, a book on phylloxera. A fellow philosopher, colleague going back goodness knows how many years.  So delighted to see history and philosophy of science coming together with food history and politics.

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One thought on “International Association of Culinary Professionals Nominees

  1. Avif

    SO funny you mention this! As you know (wink, wink), I am tiynrg to eat healthier lately.And last night I went to Mexican too (Terascas on Clark). I ended up eating some chips and salsa and then ordering two light Coronas rather than my normal margarita and white fish tacos with veggies and beans on the side (without eating the tortillas). I was surprised that I didn’t miss my normal margarita and nachos like I thought I would!Great post!

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