Rachel Laudan

Did it! Dictated a Post

So, my Dragon Dictate arrived in three days and I am now learning to use voice recognition. It’s pretty nifty and I think it will be usefulĀ  for note taking, longer e-mails, and perhaps even Facebook even when I can use my right hand again (not anytime soon, fear). So I will be back to blogging from time to time.

Unfortunately I don’t think voice recognition will be so useful for my more academic writing.

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6 thoughts on “Did it! Dictated a Post

  1. cwm

    I use it too. I don’t have any disabilities, but I can dictate far more quickly than I can type. I like it when I’m translating–i dictate the english, while holding the text containing the other language in my hands–but it’s not good for essays that require a lot of editing (such as academic writing). I find it much easier to edit with the keyboard in those cases.

  2. Peter Hertzmann

    I’m using a similar program for writing the first draft of video scripts. Since I’m not a clear talker, I have to do a lot of keyboard editing while I’m dictating, and then the further drafts are all done on the keyboard.

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