Rachel Laudan

Gracias a la CFE

Thanks to the Comision Federal de Electricidad we have been having power surges, black outs, brown outs, blown out power sources etc for the past week.  When it is safe to get on the computer, I’ve had to dedicate my time to work.  I will get back to you all about your interesting comments.

* * *

I find The Dairyman’s Blog by Will Gilmer of Alabama both informative and soothing.  That may sound a strange word but here’s a guy who gets up in the morning, unfreezes the pipes (oh, how much that was part of my past) milks the cows, deals with the feed, and gets on with a daily routine.  After the fervid moral miasma that hovers over the food activists’ posts on agriculture I feel I am back in a world I recognize.

It also answered for me a question that had been vaguely puzzling me.  Why weren’t farmers (not microfarmers now) blogging in response to the snowstorm of urban suggestions about how they should run their businesses?

Ah ha.  The dial up connection.  How many farmers have high speed internet?  Unless they put in a satellite, they are struggling with a technology that those on the coasts and in the big city thought died somewhere back in prehistory.

Not the whole answer, obviously.  But not to be discounted either.  Specially after a week of CFE problems here.  Even in the US, the world is not flat yet.

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