Rachel Laudan

Most Mind-Boggling Sentence of the Day

With respect to GM maize:

“Indigenous communities in Mexico, after lengthy discussions, are taking action. At times their moves are surprising:  for instance they have decided that contaminated maize should not be destroyed but treated as if it is sick, and treated until it is cured, even if this takes a hundred years or more.”

This from the latest mailing from Grain.

You will find more on their site, though sadly no mentions of which indigenous communities, or the intermediaries with whom they are working.

But, my goodness, my mind is just racing trying to create a coherent story from this snippet.

Anyone have any theories?

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7 thoughts on “Most Mind-Boggling Sentence of the Day

  1. Trish Chung

    I absolutely love this concept and encourage others to read more from the site. I think it holds a key so obviously missing in the commentaries expressed on this one.

  2. Karen

    With respect to GM maize:

    “Indigenous communities in Mexico, after lengthy discussions, are taking action. At times their moves are surprising: for instance they have decided that contaminated maize should not be destroyed but treated as if it is sick, and treated until it is cured, even if this takes a hundred years or more.”

    I can make sense of this paragraph by embracing the idea of a Perfect Maize – in the sense similar to the concept of Man being Perfect in the Garden of Eden before other disruptive things came into play.

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