Rachel Laudan

A Few Links I Found Interesting

Keen on raw milk.  Get it from one of a series of vending machines across Italy.

“Whatever happens, the latest volatility is a wake-up call for the seaweed industry, which has been growing steadily for years. Although the plant has been used for centuries in some foods, it took off in the 1960s, when big food companies started using it more widely to add texture to ice cream and other products.” Interesting story on seaweed, and a reminder of how complex our food system is.

And Louisiana sugar growers ask for post-Katrina support for a new refinery.

“The most likely outcome is the elimination of almost all of the California egg industry over a few years.”  That’s apparently what is likely to happen as a result of the passing of Proposition 2 in California changing the rules to suit the ethical treatment of animals.

A million hectares to be developed in the Philippines. Anyone know more about this story about GM crops in the Philippines?

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3 thoughts on “A Few Links I Found Interesting

  1. Dianabuja

    As for the GM crops being developed in the Philippines – a similar move is taking place in Mauritious, where Japan is taking up I think a 99 year lease – or may actually be purchasing – a similar amount of land, in which to grow crops. This, as with the Philippine case, is in order to hedge future global food shortage problems. Procuring land in underdeveloped areas of the tropics seems to be turning into a ‘global trend’…

  2. Karen

    I wonder if that variety of seaweed is the same variety as what the Welsh make Laver Bread out of . . . I have a thing for Laver Bread (not that I’ve ever eaten it but nonetheless it holds a strange fascination for me . . .)

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