Rachel Laudan

A Happy and Healthy New Year to All

Thanks to Hector’s new handrail, our stairs, though less elegantly Barraganesque, are less devastatingly dangerous.

A time to leave things behind, let things go, to plan for the future.  I love these moments, sometimes self-imposed, sometimes imposed by others, when you can turn a corner.  After so many years, still that sense of excitement.

And in letting go of last year I want to thank all of you who helped with those scary moments when I did not know how much control of my right hand I would have.  Thanks to Dr. Eslava and Dr Olea, to the ambulance men for negotiating the stretcher down the stairs, to Ruth Alegria for filet, to Agueda for lilies, to Beatriz for tamales, to Carolina for fruit, to the taxistas of San Jacinto for going slow and helping me in and out, to Larry for waiting up all night, and to all my blog and facebook friends for interest and concern.  Thanks to all this I recovered faster than anyone expected besides having unexpected time to reflect and learning a new skill, the inelegantly named voice recognition.

Happy New Year to all.

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4 thoughts on “A Happy and Healthy New Year to All

  1. Cooking in Mexico

    And happy New Year to you, too, Rachel. Yes, we all have so much to be grateful for, even when things don’t seem so rosy at the time.

    Thank you for your many thought provoking articles. I enjoy every one of them. I raise my glass of rompope to you!

    Feliz Año Nuevo,


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